Which industries use print the most?

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Despite the shift into digital communications across many industries, many businesses still rely heavily on print for their projects, marketing, and day-to-day operations. From magazines to books, packaging and signage, printing is used every day by companies around the world – but which industries use it the most? In this blog, we’re going to take a look at the industries that use printing the most, and how they make it work for them. Let’s take a look.

What do we mean by print?

Printing is the process of reproducing text and images, usually on paper or other materials. It can be done with a variety of printing methods, from offset printing to 3-D printing, each suited for different types of projects. Printing is used in many industries for a variety of purposes, but some industries rely heavily on it more than others.

Industries that use printing the most

So, which industries print the most, and what do they use their printed materials for? Let’s take a look:


Perhaps the most obvious industry to rely heavily on printing is the publishing industry; publishers use print extensively, from books and magazines to newspapers and catalogues, and UK printing costs in publishing industry totalled a whopping £3.5 billion in 2021! When it comes to the publishing industry, the quality of printed materials is paramount; many published materials are manufactured for long-term use, and as such, publishers work with the best printing companies to ensure that the quality of their products meets their exact standards.


The retail industry also heavily relies on printing for its marketing and advertising materials. From store signs and banners to product packaging, retailers use printed materials extensively in order to promote their goods and services. Printing is a cost-effective way for retailers to create eye-catching visuals to draw customers in – and when it comes to branding, print provides retailers with an opportunity to create something unique and stand out from the competition.


Manufacturers rely heavily on print too; they use it for instruction manuals, labels, barcodes, and more. Printed materials are actually essential to the manufacturing industry, and somewhat immune from digitisation; they provide customers with information on how to use a product correctly, or how to assemble complex products or items. Getting printed materials right is critical for manufacturers, as it helps them to meet stringent regulations and adhere to important safety standards.

Schools and universities

Schools and universities heavily rely on quality printing for their day-to-day operations, from textbooks to pupil worksheets. High-volume printing is essential for schools – not only in terms of producing large amounts of material, but also ensuring that the materials are printed quickly and accurately to facilitate learning. Printing also plays an important role in teacher-parent communication, with printed newsletters and other documents being used to keep parents updated on their child’s progress, or any new ongoings in the school. Read more about school printing here. 

Events industry

From exhibitions and conferences to festivals and concerts, the events industry relies heavily on printing. Its high-profile nature means that print must be high quality – not only to make sure materials look good, but to also help clients stand out from their competition. Printed promotional items such as leaflets and flyers are invaluable when it comes to marketing an event, while printed signage helps create a professional atmosphere around the event itself. Don’t forget those all-important programmes, keepsake memos, and of course, tickets to the events themselves! Read more about event printing here. 

Marketing & advertising

Print is still very much alive in marketing and advertising – whether it’s through traditional methods like flyers, or more creative approaches such as outdoor advertisements or magazine ads. Print has the ability to reach consumers in a physical, tangible way – which can be particularly useful for local businesses who need to target their audience in a specific geographic area.


Another industry that relies heavily on printing is the hospitality industry. Hotels, restaurants, and other businesses in the hospitality sector print menus, advertisements for special events and promotions, signs for rooms or other areas of the hotel/restaurant, guest information booklets and more. Printing also plays an important role in helping these businesses stand out from their competitors and make sure they are providing a high-quality experience to their customers; everything from well-designed menus to visually appealing advertisements and signage can help these businesses make a great impression.

Medical facilities

The healthcare industry also heavily depends on printing; medical facilities need everything from patient forms to prescriptions, brochures for specialised procedures, pamphlets about health conditions, hospital room signs and more. Print also plays a critical role in helping the medical industry communicate with patients, whether it be through letters informing patients of upcoming appointments, or printed brochures with educational information about any health conditions they may develop. Quality printing ensures that medical information is both accurate and up-to-date, while also providing vital safety instructions or guidelines for healthcare professionals themselves.

Office businesses

While many workplaces are now going digital, there are still plenty of office businesses that rely on printing for their day-to-day operations – and some estimate that an offices’ printing budgets amount to around 5% of annual turnover! From business cards and letterheads to personalised business stationery, print remains an important part of many offices day-to-day operations, even in the digital age. Training manuals and welcome books also play a vital role in the modern office, helping to ensure that new employees are up-to-date on company policies and procedures – this requires high quality printed materials made for durability and long-term use. View our corporate printing services here. 

Food and drinks businesses

From restaurants to bars and cafes, food and drinks businesses rely heavily on printing to carry out their day-to-day operations. Printed menus, flyers for special offers or events, table place cards, napkins with a company logo – all these things help create a professional atmosphere that helps customers feel comfortable and welcome in any food establishment.

Business printing across Kent

No matter what industry your business is in, quality printing can help play an important role in its daily operations. From schools to hospitals, marketing to events, print remains an invaluable tool for businesses of all sizes, even as many industries pivot to digital communications. For any and all commercial printing needs, contact Avenue Printing via our website, or give us a call at the office on 01732 742397. We look forward to hearing from you!

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